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The Gr. 10 Media Arts Social Dilemma Digital Collage Project

The digital collage created by our grade 10 media arts students is an exploration of the perils of social media, as portrayed in the eye-opening Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma. Using various digital media and collage techniques, our students have created a thought-provoking and impactful artwork that challenges viewers to consider the impact of social media on our lives.

Through their art, our students highlight how social media can be addictive, manipulative, and divisive. They have woven together images, text, and digital effects to create a complex and layered representation of the dangers of social media. From the way it shapes our opinions and beliefs to the way it can impact our mental health, the collage reflects the multifaceted nature of the social media landscape.

Above all, our students’ digital collage is a call to action. It asks us to question our own relationship with social media and to think critically about the information we consume and share online. It challenges us to be more mindful of how social media can influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours.

Ultimately, this digital collage is a powerful expression of the impact of social media on our lives and an urgent call for change. Through their art, our grade 10 media arts students have created a work that is both beautiful and thought-provoking and that speaks to the heart of one of the most pressing issues of our time. Please click on the thumbnails to view the larger image.